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Join as an intern or a new graduate and you will be immersed in challenging and stimulating assignments. You will have the opportunity to work alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry.
DLZ Interns Speak Out: Insight and Perspectives

The thing that makes DLZ the most unique is the people
here. I feel that it is very rare to find people who want to
teach you and enjoy going the extra mile in the work they
do. They genuinely care about the work they do and the
people they work with. They taught me to go the extra
mile when you're doing work.
Public Works Intern at Indianapolis, IN.
Alyssa Cahoon
Purdue University, Environmental and Ecological Engineering

DLZ has helped me prepare in the idea of socializing with
clients and with different people in the office about how
to solve problems or perhaps just getting to understand
what needs to get done and creating that relationship
there so it's a lot easier to convey opinions and
communicate with others.
Architecture Intern, Indianapolis, IN
Cali Pickering
Ball State University, BS Architecture

I love how I get experience on all sorts of projects, which
is great because I can apply what I learned in the class to
an actual job. I've gotten so much more information about
the career I chose than I ever have in school. I've gotten a
lot of advice from the people I've worked with about
those first few years in your career.
Geotechnical Intern, Columbus, OH
Ann Stallsmith
The Ohio State University, BS Civil Engineering

DLZ has been very hands on out in the field. There hasn't
been a day where I haven't been out in the field since I've
started working. I'm always doing something and that's
what I want. I want to learn more and experience more
before I go out in the field by myself. It's given me life
skills for the future.
Construction Services Intern, Melvindale, MI
Mathew Mattison
Lawrence Tech University, BS Civil Engineering

One of the things I really value is being able to work with a
lot of different people on a lot of different projects.
Public Works Intern, Columbus, OH
Rachel Murray
Ohio Northern University, BS Civil Engineering

I value the professional relationships and experiences . I've gained as a Construction Services intern in Columbus, OH.
Scout Heitkamp
Ohio University, BS Civil Engineering

DLZ has given me many opportunities to be able to
learn how a job functions.
Marketing Intern, Indianapolis, IN
Sheridan Napier
University of Southern Indiana, BS Public Relations

There are a lot of processes used in the industry that are
never taught or gone over on the education side of things,
and getting the chance to see those processes and figure
out how to use them makes me more valuable in an
actual industry. DLZ covers and gives a lot of experience
regarding the construction side of the process that I don't
get to see at all on the education side, so it did provide me
a lot of experiences to go out and see how the job is
actually executed.
Landscape Architecture Intern, South Bend, IN
Vincent Lovvorn
Ball State University, BA Landscape Architecture

The interconnectedness of the different departments at
DLZ is very valuable because while I'm a bridge intern,
every day I'm working with the structures department and
the transportation department, communicating with
survey, and all the other people that I get to learn about
all aspects of civil engineering, and not just the
department that I'm focused in. I value that DLZ is a
community of mentors, who everyone that I've met wants
to help me learn.
Bridge Intern, South Bend, IN
Olivia Schroeder
Hope College, BS Civil Engineering

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